Welcome to Farming Photography
Farming Photography
Farming Photography Director,Dave Franciosy,has agriculture in his blood.As a child growing up on a mixed farm in the north- east of England, he gained a good understanding of farming practices and it was this foundation that led him to study at an agricultural college, following secondary education.
Coupled with employment on various farms, further education provided Dave with an unrivalled passion for the agricultural industry – a passion that he began to channel through his hobby, photography, in 2013.
Quick to appreciate that a mutual enthusiasm existed for showcasing agriculture through visual formats, Dave established social media outlets to share his videos and still imagery. Farming Photography was born and interest has grown to the point that it now enjoys an audience of 325,000 followers worldwide and over 8,900,000 impressions each month.
The enthusiasm for Dave’s work continued to mount, but not only from like-minded individuals. An ever-increasing demand, from many different agriculture-related companies, led Dave to take the decision to establish Farming Photography Limited as a full-time venture in January 2015. Since its inception, the list of major projects and clients across the UK and mainland Europe has reached an impressive tally. It includes AGCO, Claas, Grimme, Holmer, Horsch, JCB and John Deere.

PFCO Approved
Drone Operator
Approved by the CAA
7 years experience
DJI Mavic Pro 2
Video services
Using the lates 4K technology
in house editing service
Digital Photographer since 2001
7 years experience of photographing farm machinery
Canon Professional EOS equipment used
Social Media
Over 325,000 followers over our platforms
14.2 million views per month